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  • Eric Garrett

Is it better to eat organic or local food?

Eating organic food has some benefits, but it also has some drawbacks. Not all food from nearby farms is always organic. The reason is that federal standards might not apply to local farmers. But many local farmers have the same goals as organic farmers when it comes to the environment. It's a good idea to ask the farmers in your area questions to find out more about how they farm.

Even though organic food is better for the environment, that doesn't mean it's better for you. Most food in the U.S. travels more than 1,300 miles from the farm to the store. This makes a lot of greenhouse gases. These "food miles" take away a lot of the good things about organic food. For example, a study from the University of Alberta found that the carbon footprint of produce grown in an organic way was almost the same as that of produce grown in a non-organic way.

The price of organic food is also higher than the price of regular food. Some organic varieties can cost up to twice as much as non-organic ones. But if there is a clear economic incentive, consumers may be more willing to pay the extra cost. Also, it might be easier for people who can afford it to get organic foods.

Also, organic foods have more trans fats than non-organic foods. Organically grown foods also have more fats in general. Even worse for us are organic foods from animals. Most organic foods come from farms that are farther away from where we live. So, we still don't know if organic food is better for our health or not.

If you care about your family's health, eating organic and locally grown foods is a great way to improve the quality of your diet. Organic food is made without using chemicals or organisms that have been changed genetically. But this kind of food costs a lot of money and hurts the environment. And the better your food is, the better it is for you. If you aren't sure, look at the label before you buy.

More vitamins and minerals are in organic food than in regular food. There are more antioxidants and phenolic acids in them as well. Fewer chemicals are also in organic food. Most vegetables and fruits that come from organic farms are healthier. If you can't afford organic food, you might want to eat what's grown near you instead. When you buy local food from a farm stand, ask the owner about how they grow their crops.

Even though it costs more, many hospitals are starting to give their patients food that is organic and from the area. As more people want healthy food, these options are becoming more popular. This choice can be a great way for hospitals with few funds to keep costs down. But if you won't be in the hospital for a long time, the extra cost of organic food might not be worth it.

There are many reasons to eat organic and local food. Not only is organic food better for your health, but it is also better for the environment. Organic food used to be something that was done by the community. Food for local markets came from small organic farms. But as the number of people who want organic food has grown, this trend has grown and turned into a big business. "Big Organic Farms," which are large-scale operations, are now geared toward mass production and making a lot of money. Then, their food is taken to grocery stores nearby.

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